"It's only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. It's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. When you feel centered and alive, you are in a much better position to be a better person."

~From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let's start with breakfast - Banana Almond Paleo Pancakes

Breakfast was never my favorite. I used to skip it all the time. I'd have my morning coffee but I'd skip breakfast and be so hungry by lunchtime that I was ready to chew my arm off. Now I've grown to love breakfast and understand that a good day DOES start with a good breakfast because it will give me the fuel to be at my best all day. No more wanting to chew my arm off!

Weekend breakfasts are my favorite. Most of the time it's over stuffed omelets with veggies (and cheese - I still eat cheese and Fage Greek Yogurt, not totally Paleo but I can't give those up yet) or hard boiled eggs, but today I experimented with some ripe bananas and Almond Meal. The result was delicious…Banana Paleo Pancakes!

What you need:

2 ripe Bananas (mashed with a fork into a puree)
1 ¾ cup Almond Meal (from Trader Joe’s)
1 tsp. Honey (100% Pure, Natural, Grade A)
2 Organic Eggs
Coconut Oil (Organic Virgin from Whole Foods)
Frozen Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries (from your local grocer)

In a bowl combine the mashed bananas, almond meal, 2 eggs and honey.

Meanwhile in a small sauce pan combine blueberries, raspberries and strawberries until thawed. Keep on a low heat to keep warm.

In a large frying pan use a small amount of coconut oil and fry pancakes. Let them get fully browned on one side before flipping. 

Serve pancakes topped with 1 Tbsp of warm berry sauce and enjoy! 


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