"It's only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. It's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. When you feel centered and alive, you are in a much better position to be a better person."

~From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jersey Cavegirl enjoys a good Italian style steak

Just because I'm eating Paleo doesn't mean that I have to give up my favorite Italian family recipes....I just have to modify a bit. This evening it's Steak Pizzaiola for dinner. (This is my mom's recipe, the best cook in the world and the woman who taught me everything I know about cooking fine delicious meals!!!) You can find this delectable dish on most Italian menus that focus on home style cooking and it's a beloved family favorite of mine because it's full of delicious flavor and ridiculously easy!

You only need a few ingredients to make this great hearty meal and while it traditionally calls for a side of long fusilli pasta, since I'm a cavegirl now, I'm going to substitute the pasta with spaghetti squash. To all my Italian friends out there...I will NEVER claim that spaghetti squash is a substitute for the REAL stuff but when you're limiting your carb intake and trying to get into the best shape of your life you need to make some choices, so, unfortunately for my true Italian taste buds, it's spaghetti squash tonight buddies.

What you need:
1 Top Round London Broil Steak (for 2 people I buy a ~2lb steak. We usually have left overs for at least one lunch for both of us. If you're cooking for more, go as large as you like just adjust the pan size and other ingredients accordingly)
1 28oz. Can Crushed Tomatoes (with or without basil, your choice)
3 Cloves of Garlic (chopped)
Olive Oil
Spaghetti Squash

How to make:
Place the steak in a saute pan and use a fork to poke holes in the top of the steak. Cover with the crushed tomatoes and chopped garlic. Sprinkle liberally with oregano (more than you think) and top with a splash of olive oil. Cover and bring the tomato sauce to a boil (not rolling boil just about 10 minutes). Once it's at a boil lower the heat to low and simmer cook for 1 hour.

When the steak simmering for about 45 minutes, take the spaghetti squash and poke holes all around it with a fork. Place it on a microwave safe plate and cook on high in the microwave for 5-6 minutes. When time is up, take the squash out and place on a cutting board. Cut lengthwise (be careful not to put your head above the squash because when the steam is released you could get burned) and scoop out the seeds in the middle. Place back into the microwave and cook on high for another 3-4 minutes. Using a fork scape out the squash (it will become string-like, like spaghetti) and scoop into a bowl. (If it's not easy to string out, then it needs to cook more.)

When the steak is done, take it out of the pan and onto a plate. Cut into slices and reserve the tomato sauce in the pan for serving.

Plate your dishes with slices of Steak Pizzaiola a scoop of spaghetti squash and top with tomato sauce from the pan. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (if you're still eating cheese or want to "cheat" a bit) and Enjoy.


Carb count - 
Tomato Sauce (the entire pan): 52g 
Spaghetti Squash: 5g per 1/2 cup

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