"It's only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. It's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. When you feel centered and alive, you are in a much better position to be a better person."

~From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Progress Report: 16 weeks

It's now been 16 weeks since I started Crossfit and 14 weeks since I started the Paleo Diet. I'm not only WAY stronger than I was in January (or ever before) but I'm also lighter!

I'm happy to report that I am down 8.5 pounds from my starting weight on January 24th which brings me into the weight range of college years and the day I got married 3 years ago. Crazy to think that I was steadily gaining weight each year since getting married but luckily I'm back on track and am actually becoming fitter and healthier every day!

At Crossfit I can do REAL pushups now and have moved down a band size for help with my pullups. I'm getting better in form with each class and am not so intimidated when it comes to the heavy lifting days...I actually like those because I know they are helping to create a leaner, stronger ME (thanks Stefan)!

To show you just how effective the last 16 weeks have been, check this out. I promise my arms have NEVER looked like this before!

Looking forward to some time on Jersey Shore this summer...maybe this will get me qualified to hang with "The Sitch" and Pauly D...GTL Baby! (Well, maybe just the G and the L for me...stay out of the sun kids, it causes cancer!)

2 tickets to the gun show please! 

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